New Things:
1) I have a new blog header! Or really a first real blog header at all! I think I've decided I might settle in, stay a while, and try this blogging thing for real. So, first step, blog header designed by my awesomely talented cousin, Nathan.
2) We started a new year of medical school. We're a week deep and have already covered Orthopedics!?! Where does the time go...
3) A fully refreshed self after an amazing summer full of hiking, bikinis, open roads, hot springs overlooking the ocean, a brown bear, stick shift driving, soul sisters, full moons, mountains (olympics! tetons! appalachian!), used book stores, dresses, photo shoots, wild stallions, dancing cowboys, jazz, rivers, climbing on rocks, armadillos, naps, and barefeet. Not sure what else a girl could ask for. If you haven't already, read all about it on Erica's blog!
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