Doesn't this look like a beautiful place to be?

Image from Doe Bay Farm via Commune.
These are some excerpts from the 'Intentions' page of the Doe Bay website...pretty beautiful:
"My intention when I bought Doe Bay Farm
was to simply step away from the “world” and step into another.
To follow a calling I’d had for my entire adult life to step away and inward.
To reach into the elements in some way
and more than just notice the quiet powerful language
of plants, animals, rivers and trees...
So we keep trying, we keep hoping and most of all we keep loving.
In the end I come home to the work
of just loving and being loved.
Step by step, I try.
I try to reach out, be transparent, stay open.
I try to pay attention to what’s happening around me
and make conscious choices,
as conscious as I can.
Most of all I try to let go of my own fear
and do what I think is most appropriate.
As far as I’m concerned Loving is the most radical thing we can do."
oooh happiness a post for me to read during this AM lecture :) lovie you - this is beautiful.