My friend Matt was in town this weekend, so we took a day trip up to Montreal on Saturday.
And it was glorious!

Well, hello, fall foliage!

We went to the Botanical Gardens, which were wonderful (and busy!) even in October.

Did you know artichoke flowers were so beautiful?

Ornamental cabbage!

Mayo communing with nature.

Matt kicking up his heels. As you do.

Mums = Fall.

I don't remember what these are, but aren't they magical?!

Building my portfolio for grass bed know, in case med school doesn't work out.

Stone chairs...surprisingly comfortable!

In the "Tree House", which was disappointingly not a tree house at all, they luckily had a wonderful paper exhibit with all kinds of art made from recycled paper!

This was a place for love letters. :) Swoon.

"I love the world"

A 422 year old bonzai tree. (!?!) No biggie.


Sugar maple!
It took an old friend coming to visit to realize how hard and deep I've fallen for Vermont.
I still talk about it like a school girl with a crush.


So beautiful!
Except the tarantulas. I could've done without them.
Matt was telling us when he was in the Peace Corps in the DR he would find them in his house.
And kill them with his machete.
True story.

Vieux Montreal- The Old Town


Le city at le night. From Mont Royal.

Waiting for the best poutine in Montreal. Mayo's excited. Matt is cold (even with that amazing velour jacket on!).

Fries + gravy + cheese curds = culinary genius.
Nice. work. Canada.
"If the mafia exists in Montreal, it's probably like the Knights of Columbus"
-Armand Courville
I LOVE POUTINE. But I love Matty even more! I thought I saw him in some facebook pictures someone posted! So much fun. I miss you. Hooray for Canada!